Wednesday, October 04, 2006 seriously

Anyone read the news today? I can't help but share a few items that made me wonder, you gotta be kidding me! I put in my own headlines but feel free to follow the link if you think it's news worthy enough to read.

1) If I stay there will be trouble, If I leave it will be double. So ya gotta let me know,,,, ...great song but this is refering to a report that came out from Congress today regarding Representative Foley's email scandal. Time to clean house! Hastert joins Boehner and Reyolds on the up next to resign list. I would like them all to leave office....yesterday.

2) Shanna is my hero! ....I quote: "Hilton says Moakler walked up to her, “used the most vile of language” and then punched her in her jaw." Need I say more? Okay I will. Shanna punched Paris Hilton in the face!!! It may not be earth shattering news but that celebutant had it coming.

3) The State News Hires Idiots....A sports editor from the State News attempted to write a satirical opinion piece about the Michigan Governor's Debate from the other night and he fails to be either funny or smart. I watched the debate and here is why this guy come accross as an idiot:

"they spent five minutes debating whether or not Granholm visited someone I've never heard of while she was in Japan. So far, on a scale of zero to relevant, this is a minus 12."

Right, so that someone he is refering to is the CEO OF HONDA that she DID visit and it was KIND OF RELEVANT to the auto industry which is in Michigan.

My first clue at this guy's ineptness should have been that he was a sports editor and second, his favorite author is Mitch Albom. Nothing against sports, but journalism 101, write what you know. Until Granholms decides to play tennis, shut up. Furthermore, I have nothing against Mitch Albom but I do have everything against picking an obvious best selling author as your hero. Be a little more daring buddy...please tell me this op. ed. wasn't an attempt at that.

4) No Love in the Auto World...GM is playing hard to get with it's latest caller, Nissan-Renault. A couple months ago Ford was all about GM and then it was over. GM is a tease. If Ford and Nissan were smart they would align and make some money. Nobody likes a tease, espcially automakers.

Alright, that's enough of my reactionary news sputter. I'll catch ya all later.

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