Monday, October 30, 2006

Goodbye, Aaron

Many people would consider birth to be the opposite of death. I disagree. The opposite of death is life. Living.

My cousin Aaron fought cancer for the past two and a half years. His situation was always grave but a few months ago during a late night talk he told me that he learned that his life didn't stop just because this disease made everything seem so uncertain. He was not dying of cancer, he was living in spite of it. He said this with a grin on his face because as he was pointing out, he wasn't waiting for cancer to win. Perhaps living with cancer made him more brave when you consider what he accomplished in the time he had.

Along with that, the most important part of his "adventure" at least from my perspective is that Aaron, though dramatically changed physically, never became different from the goofy, red-head kid he always was. Sure he was forced with some pretty harsh realities, but that didn't stop him from picking on this older cousin when she came through the door or goofing around with all the rest of the unruly gang at get togethers.

Tomorrow is his funeral. I am sad to say goodbye to him but I will appreciate that he lived a pretty full life for the 19 years I knew him. In letting him go perhaps I will find courage to open my eyes a little wider, put on an brave face and live. The time we are given is a gift.

I'll miss you, Aaron.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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