Friday, March 10, 2006

Driving Blind

I'm not refering to a really cold day when you don't want to leave the comfort of you heater to scrape off your wind shield so you employ x-ray vision to see your way down the road. I was perusing the headlines today on MSN and apparently there are schools in the Chicago area that make driver's education a requirement for graduation. This sounds ridiculous because these kid complain about haveing to waste time learning something they are never going to use. Is this a good idea? A class that reminds a blind student of their handicap and is a reminder of how they are if living with a handicap isn't a reminder enough.

I thought this was a good argument even though the defense of "we will never have to use this in real life" has never worked in my case. For example: trigonometry, tredding water for 30 minutes, the metric system.......can you think of any other winners?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

washing my hands
