Monday, January 09, 2006

Back in Training

Just six more weeks until I head southward to the Aruba surf. Here are some pics from last year's windsurfing trip. I am missing the sun. Michigan winters are rough!

After feeling a little sore from bowling on Saturday night I decided I got to quit slacking and get moving or else I am going to be in pretty rough shape for this year's excursion. It is a long trip to just beat yourself up on the first day. We do a lot of the other stuff down there but windsurfing takes the most out of your body and you atleast have to have some kind of muscle to keep up.

So for hopeful encouragement to fellow trainees here is a little inspiration:
  1. "The first wealth is health" - Ralph Waldo Emerson
  2. "Pain is weakness leaving the body."
  3. "Every human being is the author of his own health or disease." - Buddha
  4. "There are always people who are fatter and skinner than you. The question to ask yourself is what side of that scale do you want to be on."
  5. "Training gives us an outlet for surpressed energies created by stress and thus tones the spirit just as exersice conditions the body." - Arnold Schwarzenegger
And now for the couch potatos:
  1. "Hard work pays off in the future; laziness pays off now."
  2. "On the tredmill of life there are the walkers and there are the joggers...and then there is the guye that owns the tredmill that the walkers and joggers pay."
  3. "No pain, no pain."
  4. "This is not fat on my bones it's potential (stored) energy."
  5. "A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step or you can just hop on a plane and be there in a couple hours."

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