Monday, August 07, 2006

What Mel Said and What Mel Did...

I just read on MSN that Patrick Swayze is the latest celebrity to jump on the “Save Mel Gibson” band wagon. The public is getting off track when it comes to this guy. There are two issues at hand. First one is that the Mel broke the law. The second is that Mel said some loaded Anti-Semitic phrases while in custody. Now the press is having a field day and the issues are getting blurred.

I have a theory that it is actually people in Mel’s camp that are playing this up. Why? Because, they want people to be thinking about Mel. Any press is good press in Mel’s case since he has been pretty low profile since the “Passion of the Christ” came out. Next we will hear that newly Jewish-educated Mel is going to do a film about the Holocaust. The other reason Mel’s people are firing all engines on this “Save Mel” crusade is to drum up local sympathy from the community and possibly sway public opinion to give him a slap on the wrist instead of some deserved real punishment. I know people who have driven drunk and every time I hear them tell a story of how they once drove drunk …I think of the people in the other cars on the road that would have to reap the repercussions of that irresponsibility. What about causing injuries or deaths? Note to stupid, what the heck is cool about getting loaded and doing something totally reckless and then think that other people will find that "so awesome"?

Right now Mel faces six months in jail if convicted. Please California, convict him. Yeah, put him in rehab, but just because he’s a celebrity doesn’t mean community service is going to be enough. For all those who say, “He’s been through so much. Having to face this angered community is punishment enough.” Hell no. Why are we coddling him? If he was Joe Shmo we wouldn't have thought twice about what kind of punishment to give him. I’m sure you haven’t forgotten he said some pretty messed up things. Leave it to the Jewish community to decide what he should do to be pardoned for that. (Though we do enjoy your opinions Mr. Swayze, we get the impression you are riding coat tails on this one.)

The last issue: are we responsible for what we say when we are drunk? Yes. Our friends never let us forget the stupid things we do. In Mel’s case, the right to judge him belongs to the people he offended. This is true in less serious cases as well, here are a few examples from my life.

My friend Sam once slurred over a bucket-o-beer at Crunchy’s, “man, I wish I was a woman. They have it made.” That is why he is still taunted to this day as 'sex change-Sam'. My friend Jane would still be staring at a map trying to prove that the Netherlands are not real and National Geographic has a typo because they are part of the Peter-Pan story. (Never-Never Land) My friend Jessie would be the lead singer to a hair metal cover band that tours in the area because I remember screaming that she sounded just like the singer when a mike was thrown in her face at Rick’s and she began singing “Talk Dirty To Me” for the whole bar. For the record though she did rock it!

So is Mel subject to the same standard as my friends? Is he Anti-Semitic? Is what he said a bigger deal than what he did? As the rest of us, he should be accountable for what he says and does at all times. Now let get on with it!

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