Monday, November 06, 2006

Irony and Political Endorsements

Today I am looking up some election related info since tomorrow I will be going to the voting booth along with the rest of the nation to exercise my civic duty. (Those that know me, probably can picture the sarcastic tinge in my voice as I read that sentence out loud. Its not that I don’t believe my vote counts, I just grow weary of the mudslinging during these final days. If they haven’t changed your mind by now, will they seriously do it by Tuesday?) So, instead of determining who stands for what, during this time of the campaign I look at which way the endorsements are falling and what that means.

I came across a type of endorsement I have never thought much about. Now that I have considered it though, I am getting fired up. Newspapers and media…they give endorsements? Isn’t this hypocritical? For example, the Kalamazoo Gazette is endorsing Grandholm. How can a newspaper back a candidate when they strive on a daily basis to maintain credibility? They have columnist and editorials where individuals can give their two cents but a news organization reports the news, it shouldn’t interpret it for you. I understand bias in unavoidable in many cases and that is why we should take news with a grain of salt. I just am surprised they are this obvious about it.

I find this whole issue ironic. Am I wrong?

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